Sliced orange fruit, rosemary, and ice cubes in clear drinking glasses. Image by Olena Bohovyk

Drink in the Possibilities

Posted by K O on

Sliced orange fruit, rosemary, and ice cubes in clear drinking glasses. Image by Olena Bohovyk

CBD oil tastes great, but sometimes, we want to spice up our routines, and a droplet under the tongue isn’t very exciting. This summer experiment with fun CBD drink recipes. Good health doesn’t need to feel like taking your medicine.

A feminine hand rests on a cup holding coffee. Photo by Valeriia Miller.

A red drink with ice in a clear glass with cherry garnish and cocktail straws. Photo by Pavel Danilyuk.

Turn Your Lemons into Lemonade

We’re moving into the dog days of summer, and a break from the heat is just what the doctor ordered to unwind.

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup lemon juice (freshly squeezed if you feel fancy)
1-1/2 cups cold water

Simmer the 1/2 cup of water and the 1/2 cup of sugar together in a saucepan until the sugar is fully dissolved to make simple syrup. Combine the simple syrup with the lemon juice and cold water. Add a droplet of strawberry CBD tincture to create a delicious and multi-flavored refreshment.

Unwind From Reali-Tea

Summer days can be hectic, so sometimes something soothing is called for. CBD oil can make a great additive in tea.

1 tea bag of black tea
1-1/2 cups water
2-1/2 tablespoons of honey

Heat the water and steep the tea. Add the honey to flavor and finish with a droplet of mint CBD tincture. The combination of mint, honey, and dark tea will hit the spot.

Enjoy an Uplifting Aperitif

Nothing beats summer nights with friends. A light botanical cocktail is perfect for sipping in the extra hours of evening sun.

1 oz gin
1/2 oz elderflower tonic
1/2 cup cranberry juice

Combine all three in a glass. Add a droplet of strawberry CBD tincture. Garnish with blackberries and a pinch of black pepper. You’ll be the most refreshed and fanciest member of the party.

Don’t just stop at our suggestions. Explore your own combinations and concoctions. Finding ways to experiment and play with our routine is one of the ways we can take charge of our health. Whether that’s swimming outdoors to enjoy the summer weather or mixing up our diets, variety is the real spice of life.


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